This is an online E log book to discuss our patients de-identified health data shared after taking his/his guardian signed informed consent . Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through a series of inputs from the available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those clinical problems with collective current best evidence based input

A 19 year old male patient came to the ward with chief complaint of fever from four days .

History of present illness : 

Patient was asymptomatic 1week back. Patient started to develop high fever with temperature 102 degrees celsius  and chills . Had loss of appetite .
Took 1 paracetamol tablet but conditions recurred .

History of past illness : 

No history of diabetes mellitus , hypertension , asthma , epilepsy .

Personal history : 
No habit of smoking nor alcohol
No Appetite 
Mixed diet .
Bowel movemnets are irregular

Family history : 
No significant family history 

General examination :

Vitals : 
BP : 90/ 50 mmHg 
Pulse rate 112/ min
Temp : 103 ° C
RR : 22 per min

Treatment history : 
No specific history.

Systemic examination : 

 CVS : 
S1 S2 heard 
Respiration is normal 

No skin rashes seen 

CNS : 
No functional neurological disorders .

Abdomen : 
Non tender

Provisional diagnosis : 

Investigations : 

Ultrasound report 

Ultrasound report

ECG : 

Hemogram : 

On 18/10/22 
Hb : 14.8 
TLC : 2,200 
Platelet count : 68,000

On 19/10/22
 Platelet count : 50, 000

On 20/10/22 
TLC : 4,100
Platelet count : 60,000

on 18/10/22 
Temp : 98.6 ° F
BP : 110/70
Pulse : 92

On 19/10/22 
Temp : 97.6 °F
BP :  120 / 70
Pulse : 79

Intake and output chart 

Treatment : 

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